If you're a builder or new homeowner, we can work with you on design and installation for your HVAC system. If you're working on a new build, chances are you're working on a tight deadline. You need a dependable and experienced Heating and Cooling company that shows up on time and knows what you need and how to execute the job efficiently and with attention to detail. HVAC installation mistakes on new builds are costly and look reflect badly on the builder. We take the time to get it right the first time and keep our rates affordable so you can keep your budget on track.
For a trouble-free system that works efficiently and effectively, it's critical to choose the right equipment, design, ductwork, and make sure everything is correctly installed. In the past, contractors sized heating and cooling systems using simple rule-of-thumb guesses like a ton of cooling capacity per 500 square feet of floor area. These guesstimates were close enough for home of old, but they're way too inaccurate for today's energy efficient building methods.
We want maximum value and accuracy on every installation so we use the steps outlined in the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) Manual J, 8th edition. Just because the calculated load is 4 tons it doesn't necessarily mean you want a 4-ton air conditioner. Load calculation is just the first step in an accurate design.
To ensure a properly sized HVAC system with the correct airflow the designer should be familiar with and able to work through the protocols outlined in ACCA Manuals J, S, D, and T. Software will do most of the heavy lifting, but the designer must input accurate data.
You have a lot of things on your plate if you're building a home. We take pride in at least being able to remove one of the many things you need to worry about during the building process. Our experience working with new construction frees you to work on other pressing issues and gives you peace of mind knowing the right HVAC system is going to get installed properly and on time.